Top 5 Notable Humanoid Robots Made in India
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Top 5 Notable Humanoid Robots Made in India

May 15, 2023

A humanoid robot resembles a person in appearance, having a head, torso, and two arms. It can also converse with people, follow instructions from its owner, and do a few restricted tasks. They are equipped with speakers, actuators, and sensors, and they may be programmed to do a variety of tasks according to the user's needs. Robots that resemble humans are often built for certain tasks. Based on their intended uses, they may be broadly divided into humanoid robots, healthcare, and education. Individuals employ healthcare humanoid robots at home or in medical facilities to treat and better their medical issues. Educational humanoid robots are intended to improve learning outcomes and student engagement. Individuals or groups may assist people in their daily lives with social humanoid robots. These robots, which are often referred to as assistance robots for tedious jobs, are typically preprogrammed. We’ll examine FIVE famous humanoid robots produced in India in this article.

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