Readers sound off on banning books, asylum seekers and Giuliani accusations
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Readers sound off on banning books, asylum seekers and Giuliani accusations

Oct 26, 2023

Bronx: It's difficult to keep tabs on all the insanity that's going on in the world, so I want to focus on books and the people who love them. When I was a child, we were able to sign up for a library card when we turned 6. My mother helped all three of us do that when we were of age. The librarians at our local branch got to know us and would help select age-appropriate books for us. As we got older, our choices were our own. Through high school, the libraries and librarians were always helpful, especially when we had big projects to work on. I remember many hours spent at the Donnell Library Center on the East Side scrutinizing articles in Scientific American magazines when I was studying advanced biology. I never remember any librarian discouraging the amount of time I spent there.

So it breaks my heart that today's children are being deprived of that ability because some adults (parents, legislators, governors like Ron DeSantis) are using "protect our children" as a shield to disseminate their own biases onto the newest generation. The U.S.A. has a lot to be proud of, but also a lot to be ashamed of. Banning books that one or two individuals decide are inappropriate prevents learning the good and the bad.

My child should not be deprived because you are afraid that your child will find out something that you prefer they not know. Kids find out all sorts of stuff from their friends, relatives and the internet. Hiding the truth has an unpleasant outcome that we have been living through for several years. Claudette Mobley

Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis shows an image from the children's book Call Me Max by transgender author Kyle Lukoff moments before signing the Parental Rights in Education bill during a news conference on Monday, March 28, 2022, at Classical Preparatory school in Shady Hills. At left is an image of The Genderbread Person, a teaching tool used for breaking the concept of gender. (Douglas R. Clifford/AP)

Bronx: To Voicer Mark Jessee: Did your great-great-grandfather come to America illegally from Ireland? If so, he should have been sent back. Timothy Sullivan

Fort Lee: To Voicer Lonnie Bond: The answer to your question is simple — those 10,000 people look ahead and see the spirit of Lady Liberty waiting for them on the other side. Joan L. Weisberg

Brooklyn: There are so many vacant stores, office buildings, banks and city housing apartments. Why are migrants being put into gymnasiums for schoolchildren's activities? There is no reason for this. Also, why are our homeless veterans who fought and protected our country being put out so migrants can be put in? It makes no sense. How about a quota on bringing migrants in? Barbara Prince

Long Branch, N.J.: Does Ja Morant not have Second Amendment rights? Can he do what he wants outside of his work environment if it's not illegal? Yes, being videotaped by so-called friends may have been stupid, but I don't know what he's done to be suspended. Tennessee is a red state. Everyone has a gun. No permit is required, and weapons are not concealed. So what's the problem? The NBA's conduct rules do not trump the Second Amendment. Lenzy Kelley

Bergenfield, N.J.: Full disclosure: I’ve had diabetes since 1993. I think there are certain commercials for diabetes that make it sound wonderful to take their medicine. Wrong! Diabetes is a serious problem that lasts for a lifetime! So far, the only commercial that is serious about diabetes is the one in which Anthony Anderson tells it like it is. Also, there are diabetes medications that are in short supply because people want to use them to lose weight. They are not for weight loss. I am having trouble getting my order for insulin filled. This is no joke! So please, everybody, be considerate of your neighbor because perhaps you might have a family member who will need these meds. Jim Kerner

Medford, L.I.: Shame on Martha Stewart for posing with her boobs exposed ("Martha, 81, cuts quite a figure on swimsuit cover," May 16). What is she trying to do, resurrect her career? It's bad enough that our younger women walk around half-dressed, but for an 81-year-old woman to dress like that is shameful. Nice example for the grandchildren. Betty Miserendino

Manhattan: NYC always held the promise of a good life for retirees. When I was more mobile, I used the subway regularly, always careful to not be overrun by the passengers rushing in through the exit door as I left. Now, as a retiree and resident of the downtown "zone," I’ll be restricted from taking my car out of its already expensive parking space to visit friends, family and a dozen museums — all on the very same Manhattan island we share. Knowing that the major part of the fees for my congestion sins will subsidize those free-loading transit passengers is cold comfort. Chris Santoro

Kew Gardens: The city has become more crowded over the last few years, with traffic becoming more of an issue. The lawlessness of citizens operating motorized vehicles has gotten out of hand. Motorbikes, e-bikes and motorized scooters on the sidewalks? Since when have these vehicles been allowed to run amok, not obeying the traffic laws and endangering the lives of pedestrians and law-abiding motor vehicles? It has really gotten out of hand and has affected the quality of life for all New Yorkers. Leslie Duzant

Bronx: Why have I not seen a picture of Red and Rover hugging each other? They make my day! That's why I love that comic strip. Maryanne Schulhoff

Brookfield, Conn.: Voicer Arthur Bressler says Donald Trump said Republicans should let the country go into default. Bressler fails to mention the massive spending cuts they want (and we desperately need). He says Trump doesn't care if jobs are lost, but under Trump the job market was better than it had been in years. He says Trump only wants to make President Biden look bad. Biden does a great job of looking bad all by himself. Once again, Bressler proves how unfit he is to vote. Fred Schoeneborn

Bronx: At the CNN town hall, Donald Trump spoke on the protest at the Capitol building on Jan. 6 and the Capitol Police officer who shot a protester. He labeled the cop a "thug" and the protester who was shot a "patriot." When Trump first campaigned for president, one of his talking points was law and order. Why was he not supportive of the officer in this case? Was it because the officer shot a supporter of his? Was it because a Black police officer shot a white protester? Was it because the word "thug" is commonly used by racists to characterize Black men, or was it a combination of the aforementioned? I can't wait to see what kind of reaction Trump gets from members of law enforcement around the country during his current presidential campaign. If they continue to support him, that will speak volumes about this country. Jonathan Solomon

Flushing: Whoever it will be, I think it's time for a new generation in presidential politics. For those of you who are stuck on either President Biden or Trump, may I suggest that both Jill Biden and Ivanka Trump would make excellent candidates. Neither of them has a record in politics, which would serve them as an advantage in today's stormy atmosphere. Saul Grossman

Fairfield, Conn.: So, Rudy Giuliani is accused of being a basic sleaze bag ("Rudy wanted to ‘feel like Bill Clinton’: suit," May 16). My mom always said that you’re no better than the company you keep. Guess she was correct. Stephen Johnson

Brooklyn: To Voicer Frankie Turchiano: Only God has the right to give and take life (that includes dogs, cats, etc.). Abortion and physician-assisted dying are both mortal sins, and all those who participate in it are just as guilty. Wanda Lucci