Weekly Tarot Card Reading Horoscope: Week of October 14, 2024
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Weekly Tarot Card Reading Horoscope: Week of October 14, 2024

Oct 15, 2024

Be authentic! Be you!

You don't need to know the difference between a three-card and a Celtic cross spread to get the most out of a tarot card reading. All you need: your Sun sign! Here's what I do: Shuffle my tarot deck and pull out the cards in order from Aries to Pisces, plus one general card for everyone so that you can get specific advice around your personality. Let’s go!


It’s a fiery week ahead with Venus moving into Sagittarius and a Full Moon in Aries. The Five of Cups is connected to the water element and reminds us to approach our love life and ambitions with truthful emotion this week. There's no in point in trying to project an aura that’s not authentically who you are right now. Be genuine. Know how you’re really doing. Understand what you honestly want. And then take it from there. If you're feeling sadness or grief, that’s okay; it’s a part of you, but it’s not the whole of you. Life goes on and there’s still so much pleasure, joy, and success ahead. Be complex, be authentic, and be hopeful.


You're going to make a power move this week, Aries. It might even come as a surprise to yourself. This represents a shift in gears. You're the "do-er," not the "done-to." Taking responsibility feels good, liberating, and empowering. This Queen of Pentacles will give you the foresight, wisdom, and confidence to take control of something that is currently out of control related to your health, finances, work, or home life. It's spiraled out of control for too long. This week, you’re taking charge.


This is my favorite card! Lucky you, Taurus, because the Magician brings the best of Mercury's powers to whoever it graces. Expect to have great conversations, creative ideas, productive pitches and proposals, applications accepted, and permissions granted. You're getting the green light from the universe to bring forth your ideas and inventions and do something tangible with them. It’s a great week for sales, pitches, entrepreneurial projects, creative collaborations, and new ventures.


You hide your anxieties and sorrows well, Gemini, underneath thick layers of humor and self-depreciating one-liners. This method works well, but sometimes you have to stop, sit quietly, and honor your feelings. Draw out your hidden fears and lay them bare for someone else to see. Say the things you’re scared of out loud. Doing so takes away these thoughts’ power over you. Saying things out loud tests how real they truly are… and most of this anxiety won't survive a fact-check. It will clear when you bring it into the light. Don’t hide away. Do this now.


Sometimes your wishful thinking is an enemy because it suppresses truth and glosses over the issues that you need to tackle. This week, however, let that powerful imagination run wild. The Nine of Cups is a wish-granting, magical card and lets you know that a dream can come true for you this week, simply by visualizing it and believing in it and taking steps towards it. Whether it’s romantic, financial, career-related, family and home based, or simply a whim… make your daydream a reality.


As we get closer to Scorpio season, Scorpio's card Death visits you, giving you a little preview of what lies ahead. Now don’t get scared; it doesn’t mean literal death. However, it does suggest that transformation is heading your way. The first stage of it will be the "little death" of something you need to release. All endings lead to new beginnings, so don’t cling to anything nearing its conclusion. Prepare to let go of what has served its purpose and look ahead to the next chapter. There’s something just around the corner…


I love to see the Six of Wands in a reading because it means that you’re entering a six-week-long phase of good luck and fortune. Happy happenings will unfold as if by magic, out of the blue, without effort. Be optimistic and play to your strengths. Focus on the things you want to ignite, amplify, or enhance this month. Whatever you do will turn out to be a success and bring you great satisfaction. You can’t lose, so play to win!


A wonderful week lies ahead for you, Libra. It's guaranteed by The Sun tarot card, the deck’s happiest card and an omen of good times. Imagine that a portal lies ahead, shimmering in the daylight. It is the doorway to the life you yearn to lead, and all of the things you want to do and experience are on the other side. This week, take a breath, step through this portal, and start living that life. Invest in your long-term goals, treat yourself, be happy, and live well.


It’s not natural, easy, or possible to be optimistic and positive 24/7. No one is. We all falter, wallow, moan, and look on the dark side sometimes. You, Scorpio, are maybe more prone to this than most, because you're ruled by Pluto and drawn to the occult, secret, and taboo. Get your head up this week. Stare at the sunlight. Turn away from topics, people, places, and roles that drag you down, make you stressed, or remind you of unhappy times. Step into the sunlight and feel good.


Temperance is your sign’s tarot card, so this feels like a powerful week of unveiled self-awareness, personal growth, and success. The trick is moderation, balance, and staying grounded while you push outside of your comfort zone (which is the only place that growth occurs). Root yourself in tangible outcomes and healthy habits. Be present. Don’t do too much nor too little. Set realistic goals and work towards them. You can overcome anything in this mode.


The Page of Swords is not the kind of character you usually have time for—he's hot and cold, inconsistent, immature, fickle. Ew. However—admit it, Cap—you have perhaps been a little this way yourself recently. Frustration has led to you acting out. It’s okay, you’re forgiven already, and there's no harm done. Now, examine what triggered this mood and behavior. Look at your actions and their root causes. Trace the origins of what started this episode. And then put steps in place to avoid it happening again.


You can do it, Aquarius! You can achieve whatever it is that you have your sights on right now. I know you have doubts and maybe others have expressed concerns. Or maybe you think it’s not the right time or you’re not ready. But this is the right time and you are as ready as you’ll ever be, so step forth and get on with it. The Nine of Wands reassures you that you can do this. It will be easier than you imagine, too. Go get ‘em!


Play fast and loose with the spontaneous Three of Wands, Pisces. Just see what happens this week. Let the unseen forces bring you whatever it is they think you need. Follow your intuition, but don’t tie yourself down to strict plans or a schedule. Do what feels good in the moment. Somehow, this fluid and flexible approach will help you get further. Go for it!

Kerry Ward has been reading, teaching and creating tarot decks, books, and content for over 25 years, and is a horoscope contributor for Cosmopolitan UK and Cosmopolitan US. You can book a personal, written tarot reading with her, which comes as a beautifully illustrated brochure. She is also the published author of Power Purpose Practice, Card of the Day Tarot and Cardless Tarot. She also created the Good Karma, Crystal Magic, and Taroscopes tarot decks. She likes to self-publish unique journals in her spare time, such as The Guided Magic Manifesting Journal and the latest Haunted House Journal. She is a Gemini, so writing is her favourite thing!Follow her on Instagram h for weekly forecasts, insights, and tarot teachings, or find her on LinkedIn.

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personal, written tarot readingPower Purpose Practice, Card of the Day TarotCardless TarotGood Karma, Crystal Magic, TaroscopesThe Guided Magic Manifesting JournalHaunted House JournalLinkedIn