Thug robbed OAP after 'offering help' at ATM
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Thug robbed OAP after 'offering help' at ATM

Jun 10, 2023

A ROBBER ran off with the contents of a 'shaken' 74-year-old woman's purse after 'offering to assist her' at a cash machine in Port Glasgow.

James Harvey, 45, got into a taxi with his victim after asking her for a cigarette and then followed her to an ATM cash dispenser at the Dubbs Road shops before swiping her money.

The woman — who had lifted £150 — put her bag down after deciding to catch a bus into Greenock and Harvey seized his chance to grab her purse.

Prosecutor Raeesa Ahmed told Greenock Sheriff Court: "There was a brief struggle, the accused opened the purse and removed money and ran off."

Fiscal depute Ms Ahmed said: "The accused had got out of the taxi and followed the witness to the ATM.

"He offered to assist the witness and said he would not look at her PIN number."

Harvey, of Moidart Road in Port Glasgow, pleaded guilty to robbing the pensioner on the day that he was due to stand trial before a jury.

He committed the despicable offence on the morning of April 27, 2020.

His co-accused brother, James Harvey, 43 — who was also in the taxi — had his not guilty plea to a robbery charge against him accepted by the Crown.

The case had been delayed during the Covid pandemic period because indictment cases with multiple accused people were postponed.

The court heard how a passing car driver tried to follow robber Harvey before alerting police to the incident.

Fiscal depute Ms Ahmed said: "The 74-year-old woman was left shaken by the incident.

"CCTV was reviewed and the accused was later traced.

"He was cautioned and charged and made no reply."

Sheriff Neil Kinnear has deferred sentence on Harvey until August 24 and ordered a background report and electronic tagging assessment to be prepared.

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